Marilyn Hamminger
- Born in 1969
- Place of birth Nairobi
- Grew up in Machakos, Altmünster, Munich, Nairobi
- Lived Dublin, Altmünster, Wien
- Married
Passion: people, reading, dancing, travelling spending time with family and friends
Knowledge in business coaching - training - consulting:
- Business Degree MSc. - Executive management, specializing in businesscoaching and training
- Certified NLP Master and Trainer - Trinergy - Roman Braun
- Certificate in solution-oriented consulting - by Steve de Shazer, Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, Frank Farrely ...
- Systemic Dynamic Integration - Family constellation by Bert Hellinger
- organizational constellation
- Member and Secretary of the International Coach Federation
- Certified Mental Trainer by ITA and ECNLP
- Certified Consultant for Fit2Work
- Certification in the use of the Work Ability Coaching
- AVEM - Work-related behavior and experience patterns